Showing posts with label Data Factories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Factories. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

SSIS Data Flow task to import data in a CSV file kept in an azure blob container, into a managed Instance

Hello Readers !  This is the second part of my blogs on working with azure blob containers and managed instances using SSIS packages. In this blog content, we will be discussing about the steps to be followed to make SSIS package import data in a CSV file ,kept in an azure blob container into a managed instance table.

For pre-requisites, please read my previous post here

I have created a CSV file named emp.csv with content as below and uploaded it to the azure storage container named ‘ssistestsource'


I have dragged a data flow task from SSIS toolbox and thereafter dragged the items named Azure Blob Source and Destination assistant to the designer window (Data flow designer)

Clicking on the destination assistant to add the managed instance connection manager (SQL Server Connection Manager)
Choosing SQL server and Supplied the private end point address of the managed instance with credentials and catalog as SSISTest (A database I have in the instance to which I will be importing the CSV data)
Clicked on Okay to add the OLEDB connection manager entry after testing the connection.

Clicked on Azure Blob source , opened editor and gave the details of the blob container and file name as given in the below screenshot. ( I have the Storage account connection already added to the package for the previous test. I am reusing it here).


Dragged the arrow originating from the Azure blob source to the oledb destination in the designer.

Clicked on the OLEDB destination again to set data access mode and to supply a table creation script in place of "Name of the table or view" (Click on New button on the right to get the popup).
Executing the package and it succeeded


We could also see that the data got loaded into the emp table in SSISTest database of the managed instance.

I also could test exporting the table data in managed instance into a CSV file kept in a blob container using

"Azure Blob target" and Source assistant. I hope you could do it yourself without any error following similar steps in this blog. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will come back again with another topic related to Azure and SQL Server.